If you are already on this page, I assume you know about Solidity and Smart Contracts, but I will take some time to explain this to the people who don’t know about this.
What is Solidity?
Solidity is a contract-oriented language built for writing smart contracts that run on Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Solidity is a strictly typed higher-level language, hugely influenced by JavaScript, Python, and C++. Solidity is the language for Smart Contracts running on the Ethereum blockchain.
What is Smart Contracts?
Smart contracts in general or specifically Solidity Smart Contracts are pieces of code written for running on a blockchain. A smart contract consists of data, functions, and events. Smart contracts are not only open source libraries but also public API. Any one can interact with smart contracts, people and other smart contracts (dapps). Smart contracts are immutable and can not be taken down.
Now let's get into the fun part! How to deploy a smart contract?
“Remix – Remix IDE allows developing, deploying, and administering smart contracts for Ethereum like blockchains”
A quick, and easy start for people who are just getting started.
Remix is one of the most widely used tools for smart contract testing and development on a smaller scale. The nature of it running inside a browser makes it a lot faster to get started with solidity. You don’t have to go through the whole setup locally for tasting solidity.
- You will get instant compilation
- On deployment, you will get testing UI to test different aspects/functions of your smart contract.
- You get several test ETH accounts with 100ETH in each of them (Although they are not real, so don’t try to withdraw them to your real account lol).
A more in-depth guide on the matter.
For this part, I am assuming you already know:
- JavaScript, and have an idea about npm.
- Blockchain transactions.
The spoiler alert is that we do not deploy Solidity code on the blockchain. Rather we deploy a complied version of Solidity code which is called bytecode. This is important for other language designers to build their language that works on Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) similar to Solidity.
To deploy a smart contract on the main-net you have to be running a blockchain node. Don’t worry, we don’t have to do that because there are tools which will do the work for us. It’s nearly impossible to write all of these in a single article so I have dedicated articles for each of the methods.
Deploy smart contract on localhost/test-net.
More to come…
Deploy smart contract on main-net.
More to come…